One of my recent projects was a Digital Imaging Project to create a Fanzine or a Fansite using Photoshop.
I decided to create a Fansite for the Artist/Architect-Cesar Manrique as I have visited Lanzarote so many times and I am still facinated by his work. I developed a stitched image from one of his mosaics and used this as the heading for the Fansite. I also used my own photos that I had from my trips to the beautiful island. The work for the digital Imaging Project was just one project in a bigger module and if it is selected it will be displayed in one of the Gallery spaces in the new year.
Another week has gone by at Art School or Uni as everyone now calls it!
We were asked to make a piece of art in response to a poem. We were give a selection of 12 to choose from. I had to read and re-read the poems to try to find one that inspired me and let my imagination take over. I narrowed it down to two poems then to the one I eventually used. The Poem by Robert Gray.
The vision of the woman bringing in the washing and the smell of the fresh washing, folding seams, together with the moonlight was my starting point.
My tutor was helpful in explaining more about the poem and then I was off creating a mind map of my ideas for it.
We have four days to finish each project so it really makes you make decisions very quickly something I've not had to do much of up till starting this course. I thoroughly enjoyed making my textile piece this week. I used a real variety of fabrics and a whole range of techniques including grinding fabric between two stones to wear and distress it. I really loved adding the final hand stitching I found it very relaxing and satisfying.
I hope to enjoy the Poem and my response to it.
The Poem
The paddocks there are so wide open
she says you always feel
that the lid has been left off everything.
It’s all gone hard and stale.
The children have to stay in the shade;
they hang on the verandah,
and the game they fight about is discovering
a demand upon her.
On the backs of her hands, in this light, open
small, dry screams.
She is bringing in the sunlit bed-clothes,
putting together the seams.
Sheets still pegged she takes into her fist,
and stands inhaling each one:
taut with air, white as a heron in the moonlight.
This, which she has done.
ROBERT GRAY (Meanjin; Vol. 60 Number 2 2001. First published in New and Selected Poems, Duffy & Snellgrove, Sydney 1998)
I have been working on a Uni project - Form and Function ( playing with paper really!) All great fun. This has been the best week so far, I feel more comfortable making things. I made a load of samples (a few are below) and experimented with different card and papers before deciding to make a corset!
I got there in the end after much PVA glue, Bostik and masking tape!
The corset is made from old music glued onto corrugated card with scrunched up white tissue paper pasted over the music. This was then folded like a fan then glued into position. I used a dummy model to make a paper pattern then used the pattern to cut out the pieces for the corset. It is held together with wide tape and strong glue. I made small holes in the back then used gold rivets to cover over the edges of the holes, I then laced the back up with a gold cord. (sorry no picture of this)
The final piece is decorated with painted paper doillies and music printed onto acetate sheets, treated with a heat gun and burning tool. I rolled up some of the acetate sheets, glued them and cut them into circular shapes to add to the embellishment.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
I have done a bit more work on my Sketch Book Project Pages in between my University work and study. I also have to keep a Journal that I have to carry with me to record ideas, thoughts, interesting things etc. I've made a good start to it and just need to remeber to carry it around with me.
Here are some more pages of my Sketch Book Project - "It Must Be... Time for Tea."
I'm now at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee!
I'm in the 1st year General Course along with another 159 other sudents. There are 27 in the group I am in.
Today we started on the 1st project "The Object of Drawing and Painting". The tutor set up a large installation with bicycle tyres, bicycle weels, bamboo canes, pieces of fabric, flags, bits of bikes- it's huge.
We were instructed today and had to work in charcoal, graphite or conte. A lot of sharing and constuctive comments going on. One of the exercises was - we had to think of drawing without drawing the outline and drawing the space to create the object. This was new for me but I enjoyed having a go.
This project lasts for 4 days and along with all the development drawings we have to produce an A1 drawing and painting. I'll post any interesting drawings!
I've had a good summer and been keeping occupied with all sorts of activities, catch ups with friends, small jobs and arty crafty stuff. I've joined The Sketch Book Project and chose my title (from a list supplied) "It Must Be..... ", I've added on ...."Time For Tea" and taken it from there. Here are some of my pages so far.
I've recently achieved my HNC Textiles at Dundee College together with some HNDUnits and now I've accepted a place at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art to study for a Degree in Art and Design. I start in September and I'm looking forward to the new experience. Wish me luck!
This is my booth at the Exhibition. You'll maybe recognise some of the pieces from earlier blogs. I had a couple of hours to set it up but I had planned it in my head before hand. I think it worked well. The preview evening was great, very busy and lots of interest.
A little bit more detail here.
The Jam Pot display. I had the idea for the cupboard and Peter made it for me!
This is how I displayed my accessories. I made a couple of brooches to pin on the wrap and the bag.
Someone wanted me to make a brooch and earrings to match. I have to say it feels fantastic when someone wants to buy my work.
More jewellery developments - delicious earrings and a brooch! I'm finished at Dundee College now. I really enjoyed it, I was inspired by my tutors and friends and I will miss being at college and seeing everyone. Time to move on.....
I've finally finished the accessories for my underwater project. Thanks to Paula for being so patient with me while I was taking the photos of her. I think it was time well spent in the woods just to get the right shots to show off my work.
I'm going to make a brooch for the scarf and I have an idea for it. I'm waiting for the pin for it to arrive in the post. Hopefully it'll arrive tomorrow and I'll get it finished for the assessment on Thursday.
Thanks to Christina for being so patient for this photo too! I'm lucky my nieces both live so close by - very handy not just for photos, for babysitting too.
I am working on a project based around a water theme and I am in the process of developing samples for a bag, scarf and a pair of mittens.
I'm developing my ideas from some sea urchins that I collected from a holiday in Crete. I'm enjoying using the green and purple colours and experimenting with lots of textures. I've also starting knitting again for one of the accessories!
Hopefully the finished pieces will be displayed on the catwalk at Dundee College Fashion Show at the beginning of June.
Two of the many photos I took on a field trip to Lieth at the start of this project. I was to look at marks in decay and architectural markings.I developed drawings from these photos ( and many others too) and finally came up with a design. My sketch book for this project is very thick!
A selection of fabrics that I dyed using low imersion technique.
This is a sample for the design of the throw. I used a wool blanket as the first layer. Then I added strips of the dyed material, a layer of dyed gauze then embellished the three layers. The sample is made up of three sections stitched together with a selection of stitch added.
This is the finished piece.
This close up shows more detail of the stitch and the different sections.